Edgar Allan Poe's Sadness

          Edgar Allan Poe was a very melancholy man and suffered a lot of loss and as a man in several relationships he lost all of the women he loved including his own mother. This ultimately led to the downfall of his mental state and stability. Not only this but, Edgar Allan Poe resorted to drinking unhealthy amounts of alcohol and taking drugs that mixed with the alcohol to produce psychedelic effects. These effects influenced his writings as he could recall we he had seen and put it on paper so he was always writing stories people did not imagine as not many people mixed alcohol and drugs to see the same things. Keep in mind, Edgar Allan Poe was also obsessed with how humans function especially the human heart and this was because he was always down and sad. Poe's drug habits and sadness mixed to create the morbid stories we know and love today.
          It can be argued that Edgar Allan Poe's story are unique enough that some of them are not even considered horror. For example, in the Cask Of Amontillado there is less descriptive gore and more of actual story telling. On the other hand, in his poem The Raven the tone is much more ominous and made to be scary as it has a weird raven that is speaking to the narrator. There is a diverse selection of Poe's writing but most are supposed to be have a some kind of horror story feel to them. Some of his writings incorporate suspense and horror but some are like the Cask Of Amontillado where it is not interpreted for the scary affects.
          Overall, Edgar Allan Poe incorporates lots of creativity and in my opinion the creativity masks the "part of the writing which is much more interesting to read and can even give the reader some new knowledge. I like Edgar Allan Poe's writing just because he is not very similar to any other authors that I know and he has a tragic past that influences his stories and his overall life.

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