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10 Weird/Interesting Facts About Edgar Allan Poe and his Books


10. Was Edgar's last name some
  hidden gang word?
Edgar Allan Poe's last name literally sounds as if some white guy trying to attempt being in a gang saying "poor."

9. How did people fall in love with him? 
        How did women fall in love with a guy so in love writing
about gory deaths. Did they even read his writing, if so why didn't 
they find it disturbing that his writing was manly about murder-
ous deaths.  Or maybe they liked they he had such a disturbed 

8. OH! It gets even weirder...
What's even weird was not only was he pedophile, he was a pedophile from down south... I mean didn't anyone find it disturbing he fell in love with his cousin and on top of that she was 12.  She probably did not understand what the definition of love was yet. I guess Juliet getting married to Paris isn't nearly as bad as Poe's relationship wit his cousin.

7. However it's reasonable kinda...
I guess he does have some mental issues because 
of how many loved ones died during the span of his 
lifetime. If i were in his place I couldn't imagine trying 
to get through so many loved ones death. That I 
would be scared to love anyone else, because it 
would hurt me seeing someone I love die again. 

              6. Admired...
I actually admire Poe in a way. 
In a way he never gave up the one 
thing that he loved, writing. He kept
going on even though he was not the number 
one author, at the time, and he fought for what he 
loved. He really was passionate about writing and I admire 
him for that.

5. That's so Raven
I had to admit the first time I heard about 
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. I automatically thought of 
Disney TV show,  That's so Raven. 

Image result for edgar allan poe drinking                                                                                             4. Always Drinking          We cant deny the fact that Poe was a heavy drinker. It was like he couldn't live without having alcohol. Even in the most serious situations he would pull out a bottle of alcohol and chug it, it was nonsense.                                                                                              

Image result for edgar allan poe life when he was little

                                                                        3.Poe's Hard Life

Poe had a hard life when he was younger, his father abandoned him and his mother died, He was then orphaned by John and Frances Allan. John had not been the perfect dad for Poe either he refused to give money to Poe when needed. This is why Poe's stories are so gruesome based ion his childhood and all he went through.
Image result for the raven                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2. Irony in Nevermore
There is irony in The Raven by saying Nevermore because the man will never see his love Lenore again but, will forever be reminded of her.

Image result for all of edgar allan poe's stories1. Great stories
People loved his stories they were gory and it always left them a mystery. They would never know what and who he was talking about, but would always infer and that was the greatest things about Poe's stories. 

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