Pros and Cons of Each Character in Bronx Msquerade,

Pros and Cons of Each Character in Bronx Masquerade, by Austin and Nissi 

Pros: Very smart, knows that if your learning about poetry you should write poetry, not an essay. Started open mike.
Cons: “Bad boy” This is the stupidest nickname ever.

Tyrone Bittings
Pros: Changes opinions throughout the story and give good constructive criticism to his classmates.
Cons: Really depressing, always an about how he doesn’t have a future but if he would actually try and act like he can't do anything maybe he could make a future for himself.

Chankara Troupe
Pros: Sort of a bada**, takes nothing from nobody.
Cons: No real Weaknesses, she sticks up for herself and knows what's good.

Raul Ramirez
Pros: Good artist, wants to capture the beauty in everything and shows his and other people’s works. Doesn’t care what his brothers say, he knows he has talent.
Cons: Kind of self-centered and has a big ego.

Mr. Ward
Pros: Probably the coolest teacher in the world according to all of his students, very supportive of everyone from the kids wanting to express themselves through poetry to giving Raul art supplies during lunch.
Cons: Made Wesley turn in an essay anyway…

Diondra Jordan
Pros: Artistic and wants to show what she can do.
Cons: Very shy and quiet, wants to voice her opinions but doesn’t know how.

Devon Hope
Pros: A genuinely good guy unlike the other jocks at his school but doesn't show it.
Cons: Worries too much about being judged by his peers.

Lupe Algarin
Pros: Very good with children.
Cons: Doesn’t understand how difficult being a teen mom really is.

Gloria Martinez
Pros: Incredibly responsible and hardworking, takes care of her child while dealing with school.
Cons: n/a

Janelle Battle
Pros: Smart, funny, and a good person.
Cons: Envious of her peers’ appearances.

Leslie Lucas
Pros: Honest, kind, and not afraid to stick up for herself.
Cons: (Used to be) Quiet and untalkative.

Judianne Alexander
Pros: Very creative and dexterous.
Cons: Doesn’t realize that appearance is not the only thing that matters in a person. Personality counts too.

Tanisha Scott
Pros: Bold, brave, knows her place and that beauty isn’t everything
Cons: Can be a little aggressive.

Sterling S. Huges
Pros: A very good person, always loving and forgiving.
Cons: n/a

Amy Moscowitz
Pros: Has good intentions; wants to change, make new friends, and be herself

Cons: Very tough and acts like she doesn’t need anyone. Gets jealous easily.

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