A list of phobias :)

Literally it is a fear of walking. Like what’s wrong with people?? What’s next, a fear of breathing?
A fear of gravity… Isaac Newton would be SO disappointed. :(
This is the fear of meat, even though humans are walking sacks of flesh and blood.
Being scared of trees, yes the thing that provides us all with oxygen, the almighty plant that has been around for thousands of years being our only source of knowledge of the past and assistance to scientists. But yeah. Be scared of them. Terrifying.
A fear of church. Christians are awfully terrifying aren’t they?
A fear of France and their culture. Marie Antoinette really ruined some people’s opinions on those sweet sweet people didn’t she.

The fear of women. Regardless of everybody coming from a women or being in their stomachs for 9 months, no these creatures are absolutely terrifying!
 The fear of the number 666. The devil is alive.
 Pretty self explanatory, so remember next time you come up with something clever, it might scare someone.
 Between having a fear of Japanese people and the Jews I’m not sure what America has come too. So much for all those revolutions.
A phobia of being afraid to sit down. Operation kill all the chairs is a go.
A fear of words. I’m honestly speechless.
A fear for moths. Better hide your lamps.

Nephophobia: The fear of clouds. This one is actually more common than you'd think it is.

Octophobia: The irrational fear of the number eight. This isn't the same as being scared of spiders just the fear of the number.

Papaphobia: The fear of the pope. This doesn't mean they are scared of the Catholic Church, just the pope.

Porphyrophobia: The fear of the color purple. I always thought purple was a really calm color but some people find it really frightening.

Quasso Phobia: The fear of vibration specifically vibrating into pieces. This is a really new phobia. There aren't many recorded accounts of people  having this but it's the only fear that starts with Q that I was able to find.

Russophobia: The fear of Russia/ Russians. This one isn't really a fear but more of an anti-Russian idea. It's like homophobia but towards Russia.

Sinistrophobia: The fear of the left side or of left handedness. This is normally because of a really traumatic event that either was done by a left handedness person or was on the left side of something.

Trichophobia: A morbid fear of hair or diseases affecting the hair. When I was trying to find more information on this all I could find was stuff about trypophobia which is the fear of holes in your skin but  that's just disgusting and everyone's scared of that.

Uranophobia: The fear of the sky and can also be the fear of space or also heaven. Basically the fear of that's above us.
Vitricophobia: The fear of stepfathers. I can see how a specific person might scare you but someone must have gone through something traumatic to be scared of the anyone with the title of a stepfather.

Walloonphobia: The fear of walloons. Walloons are Belgians who live in Wallonia and speak French. This is another one of those racist opinions that gets engraved into each generation fueling a fear.

Xanthophobia: The fear of the color yellow. I have to wonder what could possibly make you afraid of a color… and yellow is such a happy one too!

I couldn't find any phobias starting with Y so I just did two for P. If anyone can find a phobia that starts with Y then feel free to leave a comment.

Zelophobia: The fear of Jealousy. This can be the fear of someone else being jealous or the fear of becoming jealous of something. I can see being worried that some jealous person might do something rash but there would have to be something traumatic that happened to form a whole phobia about it.

That's a whole alphabet of some weird as heck phobias. Do you guys have any phobias? Comment if you think you might have one on this list or any phobia in general.


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