Dictionary Definition of Love:
⧫ "A strong affection for another
arising out of kinship or personal
How Love Affects Humanity:⧫ Love has affected humanity
for many years because human
kind are determined that they
need to fall in love, at a certain
age. They have a certain mindset
that makes them think that they
have to fall in love. For example,
Romeo always uses his heart to
try to find love, and does not use
his own logic to think about if
he really is in love.
Romeo and Juliet:
⧫Romeo is convinced that he is lovewith Juliet. We believe that Romeo
is in love with Juliet, because she
loves him back. Therefore, he feels to
love because he found someone who
takes interest in him. While he loved
Rosaline she did not love him back and
that made him feel as if he was not
wanted. We think that Romeo is
using Juliet in a way to get over his
love for Rosaline. Why do you think
Romeo loves Juliet?
Interesting question. Is love really love if it depends on reciprocation? Romeo's immaturity is pretty apparent when he defines love by these terms, and Friar Lawrence certainly calls him out on it. I like the idea you posted in this article of Romeo using Juliet to move on from his heartbreak over Rosaline. Didn't Benvolio tell Romeo that the best way to get over the agony of unrequited love is to find a new love? :)